Youth Ministry
Freedom Generation
Freedom Generation Students is a ministry for middle and high school students that meets every Wednesday evening from 6:00pm-7:30pm. Students from all backgrounds are welcome to come and enjoy a night full of crazy games, awesome worship and a message from God’s word that will give them the tools to navigate through the pressures of being a teen in today’s world. They go out to eat as a group afterwards for fellowship.
Our Youth Group is led by Nathanael Vargo who serves as the Associate/Youth Pastor here at Freedom Bible Church. He is passionate about Serving Christ to the fullest and teaching others to follow Him and desire Him with all their hearts. Nathanael has been serving Freedom for over 10 years. He is married to Torey, and they have a son named Stephen. Nathanael’s prayer is that his family will be a blessing to you as you join our family at Freedom!

A Sermon from Pastor Nathanael Vargo

Youth Leaders
Nathanael & Torey Vargo

Our Youth Group is led by Nathanael Vargo who serves as the Associate Pastor here at Freedom Bible Church. He focuses on Youth Ministry, Young Adults, and Pastoral Care. Nathanael has also served in Freedom’s music ministry for many years.
He is passionate about Serving Christ to the fullest and teaching others to follow Him and desire Him with all their hearts. Nathanael has been serving Freedom for over 10 years.
He is married to Torey, and they have a son named Stephen. Nathanael’s prayer is that his family will be a blessing to you as you join our family at Freedom!